This website was created by a group of students in 2018 to encourage people to protest. It allows you to find past, ongoing, and future protests and take part in them with rewards. We pair up with companies around the world and offer discounts to products for people who participate in the protests. Our goal is to get as many people to protest as much as possible, we believe that protests are essential to change and desire to spread that message through our site.


Protests are a powerful statement that leaves a positive impact on the world and causes controversy, spreading awareness about causes that matter to people. They allow you to exercise your voice in a productive way that puts pressure on those in power to create the change you want to see. Of course, having one protest won’t solve anything, but multiple ones can. Remember change never happens overnight, it’s always gradual and we feel that protests are an amazing way to keep these issues of social justice in the forefront of our minds.